'Deep Slate 11/05/19 Election Doc Vers: 1.4 SAN FRANCISCO: -------------- Mayor: london breed City Attorney: DENNIS HERRERA District Attorney: Chesa Boudin, Suzy Loftus Public Defender: Manohar Raju Sheriff: Meh Treasurer: Jose Cisneros Board of Education: Jenny Lam Community College Board: Ivy Lee Supervisor (District 5): Vallie Brown Prop A: YES: San Francisco Affordable Housing Bonds Prop B: Yes: Charter Amendment: Department of Disability and Aging Services Prop C: NO NO NO: Overturn E-Cig legislation Prop D: Yes: Business Tax on Uber & Lyft Prop E: YES: Streamline Affordable Housing and Educator Housing on Public Land Prop F: YES: Campaign Contributions and Campaign Advertisements Let's start a new tradition:‪#votingstickerselfie‬ Take a pic with your voting sticker on your nose & hashtag it as #votingstickerselfie!