Woooo! FlashDance 2 was Ridiculous!

So this past weekend I did my second flash mob dance party. The first one was back in November and was a big success. But then rain, followed by rain, with some rain, and yes f%$^&ng rain continued into March & I still never was able to have another one. Then came the slacking, busyness & finally fear of failure to postpone us into June. Yes, lest you think it is impossible, even our redoubtable hero fears the Great Fear (Other Than Sharks): Throwing a party where no one comes! It had been so long since the last, would anyone still be enthusiastic?*


But then a series of events convinced me that a new FD must happen: a series of outdoor dance parties (the How Weird Street fair, followed by Bay To Breakers (House of Lotus rocks!) & Carnivale in the Mission) reminded me that dancing outside to good music is the best thing ever. Plus the fact that every week someone would walk up to me and say “Hey – you’re that flash mob dance party guy. When’s the next one?”

So I decided to go for it & decided fatefully to do it in a VERY public location rather than safely in a park like the last one. I was waffling til my friend Sean (of the Dolores Park Movie Night crew) said “Dude, you’ve already done that! Go for something new!”. Thank god he pushed me!

I showed up late & found 20 people already milling about waiting for the boogie! 10 minutes later we were rocking out to “Ghetto Supastar!” 15 minutes later we were probably at 80 people and more kept coming, surpassing FD 1. And soon after that we had grown to at least 100 & probably more like 120. Woooo. All kinds of great things happened, many passersby joined, in, many more got more info, the Safeway security guy came buy & was cool, and the restaurant across the street (Woodhouse Fish Company) sent over oysters!

But of it all, I think my favorite moment was dancing with Amina: Maybe 20 minutes after we started the cutest little old lady in the world – she must have been 80 – showed up just to watch. I asked her to dance and she sadly & haltingly explained that her knees weren’t good & she couldn’t. I asked her to just dance from her waist up and after a little resistance she agreed. A few minutes later we were dancing a little salsa type move & she was having a blast. Damn that was fun!

Anyway, after an hour and 45 minutes or so the cops came by & explained that they had recieved a noise complaint (of course – lame!) and that we needed to turn it down – if they got another one, they would have to give me a citation. They also said that all the open alcohol containers were a problem. All in all they were cool about it & clearly didn’t want to be the heavies. I explained that we’d be done pretty soon & that I’d try to take care of the alcohol. So we danced away for another 30 minutes before we broke it all up – which was fine – always leave ’em wanting more. I know I do.


Go by the Woodhouse Fish Company at Church & Market & tell them how cool it was that they came by with oysters!

* Oh ‘Deep of little faith. I know. I know.

6 thoughts on “Woooo! FlashDance 2 was Ridiculous!

  1. Throw it down, and they shall come (and dance)! It was an amazing night. Thanks to ‘Deep for instigating, and to everyone who lent their body and souls to make this such an outstanding evening. Thanks for posting the pics. I hope more people submit theirs, as well.

  2. Very, very cool. I dropped by with my date. He was very impressed. I seemed like the coolest guy in town to know about this flash dance. I think it helped seal the deal for the next date. Thanks, Deep!

  3. Wow! I was at FlashDance 2, but didn’t know it. I ran across it and joined in. What a blast! I am so happy to have now found the email list! I hope the next one happens while I am in town. If not I’ll still tell all my friends…

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