SAN FRANCISCO, October 14 – Declaring that it was time to “set San Francisco aside,†Senator Amandeep Jawa said Monday that he would temporarily stop living in San Francisco to travel to Ohio to help forge an electoral-vote victory for Barack Obama.
“America faces an historic crisis in our political system,” Jawa said in mid-afternoon remarks to reporters in Cupertino. “If we do not act, every corner of our country will be impacted. We cannot allow this to happen.”
“We must campaign as Americans, not as San Franciscans or Buckeyes, and campaign until this crisis is resolved,” Jawa said, urging other Californians to join him in volunteering in other states.
“This is a time to rise above locality for the good of the country.” Jawa added.

Seriously, unlike John, I’m actually suspending something to go work on something. I’m headed to Ohio for the last 3 weeks of the campaign to volunteer for the Obama campaign in Columbus.
The polls are looking good for the moment, so maybe this will be unnecessary. But I was optimistic in 2004 too & that was the greatest suckage of my political life. So I’m going. Wish me (& the country) luck.
Whilst I’m away, please pass Prop H here in SF & pass Prop 1-A at the state level, but most of all defeat the heinous Prop 8 at the state level. I luvs me some gays and some civil rights! (If you want my political recommendations and voting slate, drop me an email. I’ll be sending it out soon.)
Please Please Please Please consider donating to Yes on H, or No on 8, I did. They both could use the money and are righteous.
If you’re interested, I know a lot of folks are volunteering in Nevada on weekends for Obama. I highly recommend it! Others are making phone calls to other states. Please help out! Two words: President Palin.
I did go to NV, and it ruled. Except I was too busy campaigning to ride my bike or gamble…