Every year around New Year’s, I have a hard time deciding what to do from all the various options. Last New Year was a debacle (long story, not interesting)… so in addition to being terribly torn, I also wanted to have more fun than last year. But what to do? Various friends were at separate events, and all my favorite DJs in San Francisco were playing at different places (MotionPotion, Shooey, Jimmy Love, the Bootie folks)….
Luckily Dan Nguyen-Tan convinced me to do a NYE Bike+Music ride with him. You have to see the video:
It was trans-stupendous!
I had planned to only go til 9:30 and then hit some parties, but we were having so much fun, we kept riding til midnight & then caught up with David Miles – of “Roller Disco in Golden Gate Park” & “Black Rock Roller Disco @ Burning Man” fame and watched fireworks at the Embarcadero….. So. Much. Fun.
Finally, I dragged myself home and went to bed at around 2:30 so that I could get up at 8am & make it to Breakfast of Champions with the Space Cowboy DJs!
Bob Seymour and I got there at 9 & danced til noon. Breakfast of Champions is insane in the best possible way.
And the Space Cowboys are one of my favorite San Francisco institutions: you always know what you’re going to get, and it’s always good. Electronica isn’t even my scene but they always bring the BIG fun. I luvs me some Space Cowboys!

So from now on, I know what I’m doing for New Years. I hope you do too (hint hint 😉 )
* Thanks to Mark Christiansen for much footage & Natalie Schrik for camerawork!